Saturday, September 24, 2011

The news

I keep debating how much I want to update on the blog... but I would love to use this for scrap booking purposes eventually so I cant leave out big moments like announcing I was pregnant!

Telling Chandler...
When Chandler proposed to me with my actual wedding ring (the second time), he took me to our new apartment in Provo that we hadnt moved into yet and proposed in our soon to be bedroom. I decided for the announcement I would recreate how he proposed. It definitely gave me empathy for how scary it is to propose! I got soo nervous! But it was perfect because we hadnt moved into our new house yet, so I took him up to our soon to be bedroom, and got down on one knee and announced he was going to be a Dad. We were SO excited!

Telling the family...
It just so happened that my family was coming up to vegas soon after I found out I was pregnant so I decided it would be perfect to tell both our families together. Unfortunately I started feeling really crummy and it was hard to keep it a secret from Chandlers family who I saw almost every day. So when I was 9 weeks my family came to town and we had a BBQ with everyone. It was almost my moms birthday, so we had her open her gift early, a card that said love baby Hyer. It took her a moment to catch on, but it was still a fun moment. And Chandlers family even acted surprised :)

remember I was sick, and dont judge how haggard I look...

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