Friday, April 1, 2011

The Hair Cut

I hate to be one of those people who cant cut their hair, but I became that. My hair had grown pretty long and I was afraid to cut it short. I decided I would do it in small steps. For the first haircut I was going to cut 3-4inches... Somehow the first cut became much shorter then I had in mind. I mightve been a little traumatized, but I got over it :) In the end I'm glad I skipped the steps and have a fun shorter haircut!

The first haircut wound up being so close to my future goal for a short haircut that I cut my hair again just a few weeks later to finish it off.

I have to add that the haircut happened on April Fool's day and I woke up to this...
so freaky

1 comment:

Chris and Christina said...

it seriously looks so stinkin' cute! (it always looks cute though!)